Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

=====DIAGNOSIS PC======

Diagnosis bisanya di kasihkan pada tahap akhir,agnosti
karena tahap ini kita bisa

  1. assembly dan Install
  2. Use electrical Equipment..Gunakan peralatan yang baik
  3. dia mampu mengkonfigurasi dan dan mengetahui spesifikasi =config, spesifikasi,perangkat input output
  4. the purphose prosedur. product hou to use and, how to practice, diagnostik equipment
  5. the procedur and how to repair the hardware component
  6. mengerti bahasa Inggris,
  1. identify = jika ada tanda, sinyal, mungkin dari bib 1 kali , panjang berkali2, padahal bib 1 kali normal
  2. analiyze=jika sudah tahu penyebabnya maka harus dilakukan
  3. classify=hardware, software, lingkungan
  4. isolate, (repair,report) =mengisoalasi masalah, menutupi masalah,
BE RESPONSIVE TO=peka, kita harus peka atas kondisi yang ada yang ditimbulkan oleh HW/SW

  1. The normal komputer's performance
  2. hardware function and condition (age,physic,usage,suwitabelity for software or hardware)
  3. software's function and condition (system requerements, purpose, update/upgrade pheripheralsHOW 
  4.  ==============what TO IDENTIFY==================== ? 
  5. changing of performace, oferclock
  6. hardware and software multifunction==penyimpangan dari fungsi hardware dan software
  7. hardware and software signs/ messages
  1. do POST, (BIOS, HARDWARE) powor and selft test, tidak sesuai dangan tugasnya.atau masih dengan kondisi tdak sesuai dengan fungsinya.
  2.  check operating system
  3. check software
  4. check brainware :)
  1. what is OS ?=operating sistem itu apa ?
  2. what for is OS ?=digunakan untuk
  3. how is OS ? bagaimna sistem operasi tersebut ? sistem requerment, user interface, user friendly ,
  4. which one to choose ? and way ?
android keluar dari google.

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Group Project : OS Installation

  1. Anggota kelompok berjumalah 3 Orang, maksimal 4 Orang.
  2. Setiap kelompok wajib install dan bandingkan sistem operasi yang sejenis ( sesama Windows, sesama Linux, dsb ). Tiap kelompok diusahakan beda bahasanya.
  3. Buat presentasi laporan dengan format file .odp, .pdf, atau .mp4
  4. Kumpulkan paling lambat tanggal 1 November 2012

  1. Nama + Anggota Kelompok
  2. Persiapan Instalasi :
    • Sejarah + Penjelasan Sistem Operasi
    • System Requirement
    • Data Teknis Komputer (Spesifikasi Komputer yang dipakai)
  3. Pelaksanaan Kerja
    • Penjelasan Proses Instalasi
    • Hambatan dan Penyelesaian Hambatan
    • Dokumentasi Pelaksanaan Keja
  4. Kesimpulan Kerja
    • Perbandingan Sistem Operasi dari :
      • Sebelum Instalasi : Ketersediaan SO, System Requirement
      • Saat Instalasi : User Interface, User Friendly, Lama Instalasi
      • Setelah Instalasi : Lama Booting, User Interface, User Friendly
    • Kesesuaian dengan :
      • Tujuan Pemakaian Komputer
      • Pemakai Komputer
      • Periferal yang Digunakan

  1. Materi Presentasi 10 Poin
  2. Proses Kerja 20 Poin
  3. Hasil Kerja 20 Poin
  4. Kesimpulan 20 Poin
  5. Waktu Penyelesaian
    • presentasi minggu ke 3 Oktober 2012, 30 poin
    • presentasi minggu ke 4 Oktober 2012, 20 poin
    • tidak presentasi, kumpul sebelum 1 November, 10 poin
    • tidak presentasi, terlambat mengumpulkan, 5 poin

    1. no
    2. tanggal
    3. kegiatan 
    4. tempat
    5. hambatan
    6. penyelesaian hambatan
    7. dokumentasi
    8. keterangan

    Metode pengajaran :

    Presentasi memakai Impress

    Video Tutorial memakai record-mydesktop

    Web Tutorial memakai Kompozer

    Pembelajan E-Learning memakai Moodle
    Aspek Penilaian dan penskoran

    Hisyam Wahid Luthfi 
    Mail to : penelitian.hisyam@gmail.com

Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Virtual Machine


    1. User interface, tampilan

    2. user friendly, intraksi, lebih mudah yang mana. keramahannya

    3. waktu instalasi, membandingkan lama minutes

    4. hasilnya

Bash Shell Keyboard Shortcuts For Linux Users :

The default shell on most Linux operating systems is called Bash. There are a couple of important hotkeys that you should get familiar with if you plan to spend a lot of time at the command line. These shortcuts will save you a ton of time if you learn them.
Some Most Common and useful Linux shortcuts:

Tabulator Shortcut - one of the most important keys:

Tabulator is used to complete commands and filenames. The button is found on the left side of the keyboard
If your current working folder (check with pwd) contains the folder Documents (check with ls) and you want to change into it (with cd) you can type:

cd Doc<tab>
This will complete the folder name and leave you with the command
cd Documents
If there are more than one folder beginning with Doc pressing tab will complete the first folder, sorted alphabetic. You can get all alternatives beginning with Doc by pressing tab a second time.
Tabulator Shortcut for Linux Commands :
Tabulator work the same way with commands, but commands are not completed by the first tabulator press if there are more than one alternative. By typing gnome<tab><tab> you will get a list of all commands beginning with gnome.
Complete list of Tricks for Press TAB twice.
Here "2T" means Press TAB twice :
  • 2T : All available commands(common)
  • (string) 2T : All available commands starting with (string)
  • /2T : Entire directory structure including Hidden one
  • 2T : Only Sub directory inside including Hidden one
  • *2T : Only Sub Dirs inside without Hidden one
  • ~2T : All Present Users on system from "/etc/passwd"
  • $2T : All Sys variables
  • @2T : Entries from "/etc/hosts"
  • =2T : Output like ls or dir

Linux Shortcuts for Shell Commands :

Most Common Shortcuts:
  • Ctrl + D : exit a terminal, same as typing `exit`
  • Ctrl + L : clears the screen, same as `clear`
  • Ctrl + C : breaks/cancels an ongoing operation
  • Ctrl + Z : pauses (stops) an ongoing operation. Type `fg` (foreground) to resume it or `bg` (background) to continue the process in the background
  • Ctrl + Alt + Del : shuts down computer
Other bash Shell shortcuts:
Bash Shell shortcuts for Moving backward Forward :
  • Ctrl + A : Go to the beginning of the line you are currently typing on
  • Ctrl + E : Go to the end of the line you are currently typing on
  • Ctrl + U : Clears the line before the cursor position. If you are at the end of the line, clears the entire line.
  • Ctrl + W : Delete the word before the cursor.
  • Ctrl + K : Clear the line after the cursor.
  • Ctrl + T : Swap the last two characters before the cursor.
  • Esc + T : Swap the last two words before the cursor.
  • Alt + F : Move cursor forward one word on the current line.
  • Alt + B : Move cursor backward one word on the current line.
History related bash shell shortcuts:
  • Ctrl + R : Let’s you search through previously used commands.
  • Alt + < : Move to the first line in the history.
  • Alt + > : Move to the last line in the history.
Other bash shell shortcuts:
  • Ctrl + H : Same as backspace.
  • Tab : Auto:complete files and folder names.
  • Ctrl + Y : to paste it (as in delete and copy) all text in front of the cursor.
  • Alt + ? : Show current completion list.
  • Alt + * : Insert all possible completions.
  • Alt + / : Attempt to complete filename.
  • Alt + c : Capitalize the word.
  • Alt + l : Make word lowercase.
  • Alt + r : Recall command.
Note : Some of these commands may not work if you are accessing bash through a telnet ,ssh session, or depending on how you have your keys mapped.

Linux GUI - KDE Shortcuts:

Most common Linux Shortcuts for KDE :
  • Ctrl + Esc : KDE System Guard process table.
  • Alt + F1 : K-Menu popup.
  • Alt + F2 : Run command.
  • Alt + F3 : Application control.
  • Alt + F4 : Terminated active application.
  • Alt + F5 : Quick application switcher.
  • Alt + Tab : Switch between active applications.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Shift + PageDN : direct shutdown.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Shift + PageUP : direct reboot.

Linux Shortcuts for Virtual terminals:

Most common Linux Shortcuts for Virtual terminals :
  • Ctrl + Alt + F1 : Switch to the first virtual terminal. In Linux, you can have several virtual terminals at the same time. The default is 6.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Fn : Switch to the nth virtual terminal. Because the number of virtual terminals is 6 by default, n = 1...6.
  • tty : Typing the tty command tells you what virtual terminal you're currently working in.
  • Ctrl + Alt + F7 : Switch to the GUI. If you have X Window System running, it runs in the seventh virtual terminal by default. If X isn't running, this terminal is empty.

Miscellaneous Linux Shortcuts :

Most common miscellaneous Linux Shortcuts :
  • ALT+Ctrl+(F1-F7): To switch between different terminals..or if GUI is installed then to switch between GUI and text mode.
GUI specific:
  • Ctrl+Q : Mostly to quit from and application(like gimp, konqueror ).
Switch Desktop:
  • Desktop 1 : Ctrl +F1
  • Desktop 2 : Ctrl +F2
  • Desktop 3 : Ctrl +F3
  • Desktop 4 : Ctrl +F4
Scroll Lock :
  • Press Scroll Lock : locks terminal input/output - allows to read console contents when output is going too fast. To unlock, press Scroll Lock once again.
Suggest more Linux shortcuts to admin@programmerworld.net .

Hisyam Wahid Luthfi 
Mail to : penelitian.hisyam@gmail.com



Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

IPv4 subnetting reference

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the IPv4 address space certain address blocks are specially allocated or reserved for special uses such as loopback interfaces, private networks (RFC 1918),[1] and state-less autoconfiguration (Zeroconf, RFC 3927)[2] of interfaces. Such addresses may be used without registration or allocation from Regional Internet Registries (RIRs). However, these address ranges must not be routed into the public Internet infrastructure.
The netmask is a bitmask that can be used to separate the bits of the network identifier from the bits of the host identifier. It is often written in the same notation used to denote IP addresses.
Not all sizes of prefix announcement may be routable on the public Internet: see routing, peering.
Class Leading bits Start End Default Subnet Mask in dotted decimal CIDR notation
A 0 /8
B 10 /16
C 110 /24
D 1110 not defined not defined
E 1111 not defined not defined
The blocks numerically at the start and end of classes A, B and C were originally reserved for special addressing or future features, i.e., and are reserved in former class A; and were reserved in former class B but are now available for assignment; and are reserved in former class C.
While the network is a Class A network, it is designated for loopback and cannot be assigned to a network.
See (RFC 5735 Special Use IPv4 Addresses)[3]
CIDR host bits Netmask Available Adresses (-2 = number of hosts) Classful name Typical usage
/8 24 16777216 = 224 Class A (see this list) Largest block allocation made by IANA
/9 23 8388608 = 223

/10 22 4194304 = 222

/11 21 2097152 = 221

/12 20 1048576 = 220

/13 19 524288 = 219

/14 18 262144 = 218

/15 17 131072 = 217

/16 16 65536 = 216 Class B
/17 15 32768 = 215
ISP / large business
/18 14 16384 = 214
ISP / large business
/19 13 8192 = 213
ISP / large business
/20 12 4096 = 212
Small ISP / large business
/21 11 2048 = 211
Small ISP / large business
/22 10 1024 = 210

/23 9 512 = 29

/24 8 256 = 28 Class C Large LAN
/25 7 128 = 27
Large LAN
/26 6 64 = 26
Small LAN
/27 5 32 = 25
Small LAN
/28 4 16 = 24
Small LAN
/29 3 8 = 23
Smallest multi-host network
/30 2 4 = 22
"Glue network" (point to point links)
/31 1 2 = 21
Rarely used, point to point links (RFC 3021)
/32 0 1 = 20
Host route
In common usage, the "host all zeros" address is reserved for referring to the entire network, while the "host all ones" address is used as a broadcast address in the given subnet; this reduces the number of addresses available for hosts by 2. This explains the reference to /31 networks as "Rarely Used," as the only possible addresses on a /31 network are "host all ones" and "host all zeros." RFC 3021 creates an exception to the "host all ones" and "host all zeros" broadcast usage to make /31 networks usable for point-to-point links. In practice, however, point-to-point links are still typically implemented using /30 networks, or occasionally by /32 and point-to-point explicit host routes.[citation needed] There is generally no technical advantage to /31 versus /32, although one or the other may be more convenient based on other issues. A /30 is always wasteful and has as its sole advantage that it behaves "as expected" for any other subnetwork.

See Also..

Hisyam Wahid Luthfi 
Mail to : penelitian.hisyam@gmail.com


 JOB SHEET  LAN "Konfigurasi Jaringan LAN menggunakan Mikrotik"| KOP JOB SHEET|

   MikroTik RouterOS™ adalah sistem operasi dan perangkat lunak yang dapat digunakan untuk              menjadikan komputer manjadi router network yang handal, mencakup berbagai fitur yang dibuat untuk ip network dan jaringan wireless, cocok digunakan oleh ISP dan provider hotspot.   



IV. PERSIAPAN ALAT                            

  1. Siapkan 2 buah Laptop 
  2. Siapkan Mikrotik Router OS + Kelengkapannya .(RB 750)
  3. Switch Hub bila dibutuhkan
  4. Winbox klau diperlukan
  5. Xampp sebagai web seserver (sebagai bukti konektivitas router jika komunikasi data berhasil)
  6. Kabel straight 2 buah, sebagai media penghubung ke mikrotik dan pc kita
  7. IP yang kita sediakan ada 2, yaitu  IP address untuk setting (clien) dan IP addres untuk komputer Tujuan(server) yang akan kita taruhi Xampp sebagai server. IPnya yaitu : IP kom 1(pc setting) , IP kom 2 (server)

  1.  Siapkan .....
  2. .......
  3. .....
  4. ...


Pengampu 1 : ...........
Pengampu 2 : ...........

Metode pengajaran :

Presentasi memakai Impress

Video Tutorial memakai record-mydesktop

Web Tutorial memakai Kompozer

Pembelajan E-Learning memakai Moodle
Aspek Penilaian dan penskoran

Hisyam Wahid Luthfi 
Mail to : penelitian.hisyam@gmail.com